This is the Message Triggers Riots London via BlackBerry Messenger

This is the Message Triggers Riots London via BlackBerry Messenger. As reported earlier, British riots which have occurred since Saturday (06/08/2011) and is accompanied by looting and arson triggered by messages via BlackBerry Messenger (BBM). The message was to organize the masses so that more and more involved in the riots and looting. Some messages sent over the fuel that is more widely disseminated via Facebook and Twitter to grow and grow. One of the messages sent successfully revealed on Monday (08/08/2011) afternoon. The message called on all recipients to go to the area Stratford, East London, and loot.

"If you want to make money, then we will slide into the east London tonight. Yes, tonight. I do not care where you are, we invite you to come. The police have done bad things too long and I do not know why we have to wait long to realize this. We need a minimum of 200 people are hungry, "the message.

In the news reported by The Guardian, Monday, in the message even said, "We do not go bankrupt, but who's to say there was no free food. No matter the police arrived because we have ignored it. As you see on TV, they are not involved in this . They gathered at 07.00 in the Stratford Park and let's get rich. "

Steve Kavanagh, Deputy Assistant Commissioner of London Metropolitan Police, said messages and inaccurate epidemic spread is the culprit in Twitter's riots. "Social media and other methods have been used to organize the greed and criminality," Kavanagh said in a press conference in London on Monday.

When asked whether the message sender can be held, Kavanagh said, "Sure." Currently, the investigation was in progress. Until Monday, there have been more than 160 people arrested for involvement in riots.

Meanwhile, Research in Motion as a fuel service provider said it will assist police in investigating the case. Other fuel message asks recipients to unite in the streets in Kilburn, northwest London. On Sunday (08/07/2011), in the message, the recipient was asked to go to Oxford Circus and start the action. The message describes the action as "pure terror, disaster, and efforts to get free stuff".


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