The launch of the iPhone 5, Beginning or the End of October?

There are two predictions, as reported by PC World, on Monday (5/9/2011) ago. First, the release will be in early October and the second release will be held mid to late October.

Blog This Is My Next Sunday (09/04/2011) predicts that the most likely release time is mid to late October, precisely October 21, 2011. This is not inconsequential predictions, but indeed there's a reason.

iPhone 5 Wider and Thin?

Apple iphone 5 - The closer to the time of its launch, the more rumors about the iPhone 5. One rumor circulating is strong enough is the design of the iPhone 5, which is said to be wider and thinner than the iPhone 4.

A number of online media reports, the shell (casing) for the iPhone 5 has a size larger and thinner than previous generations. One of the "leak" is the casing that has been mass produced and flooded the Chinese market. Casing is wider and thinner, and available in a variety of colors and materials.

Based on the design of the casing, MicGadgdet on Wednesday (31/08/2011), made ​​a prediction that the iPhone 5 will be as thin as iPod Touch and have a wider screen. Rear casing material will be made of aluminum like the iPad 2.

Apple Already Start to Produce iPhone 5

Apple iphone 5 - One more rumors about the iPhone 5 that would be predicted to be released in October. Recent rumors say that Apple's subcontractor in China, Foxconn Technology and Pegatron Technology, has started to produce a smartphone that already anticipated it.

Really? once again not sure yet. However, the Japanese technology website, Macotakara's Danbo, Tuesday (09/06/2011) reported that two Chinese companies are indeed already started to produce the iPhone 5. However, production has not reached its final stages.

Still according Macotakara's Danbo, as reported by International Business Times, because the devices have been produced have not been installed with the operating system IOS, then the units to the smartphone are still stored without packaging. 5 Rumors iPhone production is increasingly adding a row of rumors that circulated during this time. Previously, various rumors have been circulating, from size 5 that the iPhone is 4 inches, an estimated launch date of October 7 in the UK and so on.

Apple begins pre order for IPhone 5

How to pre order iphone 5.
Not too sure what kind of shape, specifications, and price, but booking early or pre order iPhone 5 was already started. Booking opened to customers of telecommunications services Deutsche Telekom in Germany starting on Monday (9/5/2011) ago.

Deutsche Telekom spokesman Alexander vom Schmettow as reported by Bloomberg said that the reservation is useful to anticipate the difficulties of supply when it is launched later on iPhone 5. Supply difficulties due to huge demand for this ever happened when iPad 2 was launched. Apple could not produce a tablet that spelled out the most loved by so quickly. As a result, the prospective buyer has to wait to get it.

Apple prepare to launch iPhone 4 Economical version

Apple iphone 5 - Apple's new iPhone smartphone will be released in September 2011. The latest news reported by Reuters from two related sources say, Apple is preparing two models at once. In addition to the iPhone 5, the new version of the long-awaited Apple iPhone is also preparing 4 economical versions are less expensive than current models.

"Apple may want to get into a market segment that is growing rapidly, where consumers want to switch to lower-middle-class smartphone from a regular cell phone but the upper middle class," said Bonnie Chang, an analyst at Yuanta Securities, Tuesday (08/23/2011 ).

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