Intention kill Obama

Difficult to measure the behavior of young people named Ulugbek Kodirov. Male citizens of Uzbekistan's entry into the United States (U.S.) in 2009. According to AP and AFP on Wednesday (07/27/2011), then Kodirov intend to be a student. But, unfortunately, none uiversitas in the U.S. that would accept him. As a result, figure of 21-year-old school. Moreover, the U.S. government revoked the visa students.

Once, Kodirov authorities arrested on July 13 last at a small inn in Leeds, Alabama. He recently bought a firearm from a federal undercover agent investigator. Well, the public through the mass media found out that the court of Birmingham, Alabama, indicted for plotting to kill President Kodirov Barack Obama.

Mosquitoes Carry West Nile Virus Appears in U.S.

District of Columbia Department of Health in the United States on Wednesday (27/07/2011), announced they have successfully identified the West Nile virus in mosquito samples in the region. This is the first case of West Nile virus were identified in this summer in the capital of the United States.

"Residents are asked to be careful because the mosquito has the potential to transmit West Nile virus to humans. And that is important for citizens to take the steps necessary anticipation to avoid contracting the virus," said U.S. Department of Health said in a statement.

China executed two former deputy mayor for corruption

China executed two former deputy mayor, on Tuesday (07/19/2011), for accepting a bribe in the amount of millions of dollars. Similarly, the country's official news agency, Xinhua. Both former officials, and Jiang Xu Maiyong Renjie, previously worked in the prosperous cities in the east coast of China which is rapidly growing.

Xinhua, quoting the Supreme People's Court, reported two men were executed on Tuesday morning. Xu, 52, is a former vice mayor of Hangzhou and sentenced to death last May. He reportedly accepted bribes worth 198 million yuan (about USD 261 billion) and of embezzlement and abuse of power. "Xu has used the power to intervene in contracts and projects to help companies and people to acquire land, promotion, and tax reductions," Xinhua said.

Evangelicals condemned Breivik

By reason it was also, Breivik perform the action without feeling guilty for killing many people. He even likens himself to the Christian martyrs in Europe in medieval times, such as the Knights Templar, in order to limit or eradicate the Muslim development in Europe in modern times.

Europe is also hit by the rise of a number of far right parties antiimigran, anti-Muslim. This also happened in the Netherlands. Empirically, Europe was never disappear from people like Breivik, and like Adolf Hitler, as the most extreme example. Breivik also very intensively involved in discussion forums via the forum virtual world of Neo-Nazis. Breivik are the new terrorists, and real-life examples of the rise of the far right. Worse yet, he said it had done for the sake of brutal action that he embraced Christianity. Breivik showed, terrorists could emerge from the adherents of any religion.

Nafissatou Diallo reveal detail story of rape attempt by Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Nafissatou Diallo the new york hotel maid who accused former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn for rape attempt reveal detail story, he appear as "crazy man" and try to attack and rape her at the moment she entered his room. She said that Strauss-Kahn come out from the bathroom of his luxury suite on May 14 in naked and suddenly forced her to do oral sex. She want justice and put the "crazy man" in jail.

Previously, New York prosecutors raised doubts to her words after reveal Diallo changed her detail story about what happened after rape attempt assault. Diallo said that she wanted Strauss-Kahn to hold responsibility. "It never changed. I know what this man do to me, Because of him they call me a prostitute. I want him to go to jail. I want him to know there are some places you cannot use your power, you cannot use your money," said Diallo.

Mass murderer Norway also target Prince Charles and Blair

Mass murderer Norway, Anders Behring Brievik, called Prince Charles and the two former British prime minister, Gordon Brown and Tony Blair as a "traitor" who deserved to be killed. It was stated Breivik in a 1518 manifesto that the in-page email to his friends a few hours before he spewed bullets into the young campers on the island of the Norwegian Labour Party Utoya on Friday (22/07/2011).

Written in perfect English and wrote "London, 2011", the manifesto which gave the name "European Declaration of Independence" was mentioned several names of politicians, journalists and community leaders that Britain could become a "target".

Breivik write a manifesto for three years. The manifesto contains a guide for terrorists, autobiography, and his views about extremist politics. The head of state, political leaders, and the editors of newspapers digolongkannya in "category A traitor" who should get a "death sentence". The head of state who fall into the target is the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and EU President Jose Manuel Barroso.

Hearing trial for Breivik

Breivik has been named as a suspect in the case of bomb attacks in the area of ​​government offices in Oslo and Norway in the brutal shooting event at the Labour Party's youth camper Utoeya Island. Both incidents of violence that killed at least 93 people.

The judges in the deliberations said, the choice is based on closed hearings on the security situation. Moreover, according to the judge, court or tribunal published open directly would complicate the investigation. Earlier, the prosecutor's request that the hearing conducted in private. According to them, closed hearings would be able to freely extract much information from suspects.

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