The launch of the iPhone 5, Beginning or the End of October?

There are two predictions, as reported by PC World, on Monday (5/9/2011) ago. First, the release will be in early October and the second release will be held mid to late October.

Blog This Is My Next Sunday (09/04/2011) predicts that the most likely release time is mid to late October, precisely October 21, 2011. This is not inconsequential predictions, but indeed there's a reason.

iPhone 5 Wider and Thin?

Apple iphone 5 - The closer to the time of its launch, the more rumors about the iPhone 5. One rumor circulating is strong enough is the design of the iPhone 5, which is said to be wider and thinner than the iPhone 4.

A number of online media reports, the shell (casing) for the iPhone 5 has a size larger and thinner than previous generations. One of the "leak" is the casing that has been mass produced and flooded the Chinese market. Casing is wider and thinner, and available in a variety of colors and materials.

Based on the design of the casing, MicGadgdet on Wednesday (31/08/2011), made ​​a prediction that the iPhone 5 will be as thin as iPod Touch and have a wider screen. Rear casing material will be made of aluminum like the iPad 2.

Apple Already Start to Produce iPhone 5

Apple iphone 5 - One more rumors about the iPhone 5 that would be predicted to be released in October. Recent rumors say that Apple's subcontractor in China, Foxconn Technology and Pegatron Technology, has started to produce a smartphone that already anticipated it.

Really? once again not sure yet. However, the Japanese technology website, Macotakara's Danbo, Tuesday (09/06/2011) reported that two Chinese companies are indeed already started to produce the iPhone 5. However, production has not reached its final stages.

Still according Macotakara's Danbo, as reported by International Business Times, because the devices have been produced have not been installed with the operating system IOS, then the units to the smartphone are still stored without packaging. 5 Rumors iPhone production is increasingly adding a row of rumors that circulated during this time. Previously, various rumors have been circulating, from size 5 that the iPhone is 4 inches, an estimated launch date of October 7 in the UK and so on.

Apple begins pre order for IPhone 5

How to pre order iphone 5.
Not too sure what kind of shape, specifications, and price, but booking early or pre order iPhone 5 was already started. Booking opened to customers of telecommunications services Deutsche Telekom in Germany starting on Monday (9/5/2011) ago.

Deutsche Telekom spokesman Alexander vom Schmettow as reported by Bloomberg said that the reservation is useful to anticipate the difficulties of supply when it is launched later on iPhone 5. Supply difficulties due to huge demand for this ever happened when iPad 2 was launched. Apple could not produce a tablet that spelled out the most loved by so quickly. As a result, the prospective buyer has to wait to get it.

Apple prepare to launch iPhone 4 Economical version

Apple iphone 5 - Apple's new iPhone smartphone will be released in September 2011. The latest news reported by Reuters from two related sources say, Apple is preparing two models at once. In addition to the iPhone 5, the new version of the long-awaited Apple iPhone is also preparing 4 economical versions are less expensive than current models.

"Apple may want to get into a market segment that is growing rapidly, where consumers want to switch to lower-middle-class smartphone from a regular cell phone but the upper middle class," said Bonnie Chang, an analyst at Yuanta Securities, Tuesday (08/23/2011 ).

Foreign students walk off Hershey’s factory job in protest

Hundreds of foreign students on a State Department cultural exchange visa program walked off their factory jobs in protest on Wednesday.

The J-1 visa program brings foreign students to the country to work for two months and learn English, and was designed in part to fill seasonal tourism jobs at resorts and seaside towns. The 400 students employed at a Pennsylvania factory that makes Hershey's candies told The New York Times that even though they make $8.35 an hour, their rent and program fees are deducted from their paychecks, leaving them with less money than they spent to get the visas and travel to the country in the first place.

Some of the students were assigned night shifts, and said they were pressured to work faster and faster on the factory lines. Hershey's said they didn't hire the students when the Times asked:

Dust storm envelops Phoenix

For the third time this summer, a giant wall of dust swept over Phoenix and parts of central Arizona, turning the sky brown, delaying flights, and knocking out power to thousands. National Weather Service meteorologists said a thunderstorm packing winds of up to 60 mph pushed the dust storm toward the Phoenix area about 6 p.m. Thursday.

Weather officials say such massive dust storms, also known as haboobs in Arabic, only happen in Arizona, Africa's Sahara desert and parts of the Middle East because of dry conditions and large amounts of sand. Some incoming and departing flights at Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport were delayed about 40 minutes because of the storm, according to airport spokeswoman Julie Rodriguez. She said take-offs and landings resumed at Sky Harbor about 6:50 p.m.

Death toll at Belgian festival become 5 victims

Young people screamed and fled in panic as a fierce thunderstorm shredded huge canvas tents and brought down metal scaffolding at an open-air festival in Belgium, killing five people. Hasselt Mayor Hilde Claes said Friday that two more people had died, bringing the toll from Thursday night's disaster to five. About 140 were injured in the storm, 10 of them seriously, she said. All the dead were Belgians.

Organizers canceled the annual Pukkelpop festival near Hasselt, 50 miles (80 kilometers) east of Brussels and sent the 60,000 festival goers home Friday in fleets of buses and trains. The brief, violent thunderstorm toppled the poles of several concert tents and left them in tatters, flapping in the wind. It also downed several trees and the scaffolding for the main stage, where rows of concert lights swung wildly before crashing down.

Wow! ... We Can Watch Female Woman Orgasm Movie on Qantas Airline

Wow! ... Qantas plane ride Can Watch Movies On Orgasm Women. Entertainment film in the plane is commonly installed by the airline to entertain passengers. But the Australian airline, Qantas offers entertainment movie that is not common for many people, the film about the mystery of the pleasure that women feel when having sex.

A 50-minute duration of a French film titled The Female Orgasm Explained in which there are also scenes of explicit video was already long been of interest passenger plane.

However, the party has the edge channels to warn, if the spectacle is only for adults only.

U.S. investigating S&P over mortgages

The investigation began before S&P, a unit of McGraw-Hill, downgraded the long-term U.S. debt from a AAA rating to AA-plus this month. The Justice Department is investigating whether Standard & Poor's improperly rated dozens of mortgage securities in the years before the financial crisis.

In the mortgage investigation, the Justice Department has been asking about instances in which S&P analysts wanted to assign lower ratings to mortgage bonds but may have been overruled by S&P business managers, the Times reported. Justice Department spokesman declined to comment on the story upon being contacted by Reuters. S&P did not immediately respond to phone calls seeking comment outside regular U.S. business hours.

3 Reasons why American must stop coddling the super rich

They love America and appreciate the opportunity this country has given them. Many have joined the Giving Pledge, promising to give most of their wealth to philanthropy. Most wouldn’t mind being told to pay more in taxes as well, particularly when so many of their fellow citizens are truly suffering.These are 3 reasons why all American must stop coddling the super rich :

This is the Message Triggers Riots London via BlackBerry Messenger

This is the Message Triggers Riots London via BlackBerry Messenger. As reported earlier, British riots which have occurred since Saturday (06/08/2011) and is accompanied by looting and arson triggered by messages via BlackBerry Messenger (BBM). The message was to organize the masses so that more and more involved in the riots and looting. Some messages sent over the fuel that is more widely disseminated via Facebook and Twitter to grow and grow. One of the messages sent successfully revealed on Monday (08/08/2011) afternoon. The message called on all recipients to go to the area Stratford, East London, and loot.

Terrorist attempt attacks superfast bullet trains in Russia [Pic&Vid]

Russian authorities had foiled a planned terrorist attacks targeting railway lines or superfast bullet trains in the country. Terrorist groups are planning to blow up the railway using homemade bombs made ​​from fertilizer. This was stated by the newspaper Kommersant Monday's edition (8/15/2011). The newspaper quoted sources in the Federal Security Service (FSB), successor counter terrorism intelligence service KGB and the Soviet Union era.

According to sources, the terrorist group, led by a resident of Kabardino-Balkaria province in the North Caucasus Muslim named Khamuzhyev (22), assemble bombs made ​​from ammonium nitrate, which is the basic ingredient of fertilizer, in an apartment near a railway line (KA) busy near Moscow.

$ 1.3 billion for a Sheep [Pic & Vid]

An Irish sheep farmers have been sold by Ireland, Dan Tynan, worth 108,000 euros (USD 1.3 billion) in Scotland. So reports the public broadcasting station, RTE, Wednesday (10/08/2011).

According to RTE, Scottish farmers, Myfyr Evans, bought the sheep on Tuesday in the sale of the Northern Area Branch held at the Agricultural Center Stirling, Scotland. Price rams mated it has purchased for a record-breaking highest previous price of farm animals, ie 90 000 euro (USD 1 billion), which was printed in 1988. The normal price for a ram is only 200 euros (USD 2.4 million)

Cathay Pacific Oral Sex Scandal [Pic & Vid]

Oral Sex Photo rattles Foreign Airlines. The airline Cathay Pacific is conducting an investigation related to the photographs that allegedly showed a stewardess performing oral sex on a pilot on the plane's passengers from Hong Kong.

AFP news agency on Monday (08/08/2011), reported that a number of photographs of scenes that have been published in local Chinese-language media. The photographs showed women dressed in red uniforms, which resemble Cathay cabin crew uniforms, perform oral sex on a man who said the report was a pilot.

London Riot, Looted until naked [Pic & Vid]

Images of looting incidents in the UK are staggering. Some people have been stripped bare by looters. One of the pictures, as shown the Daily Mail, Tuesday (08/09/2011), shows a young man who apparently was forced to hand over all her clothes after being stripped naked in a riot on Monday night. Rumors on the internet last night, reports the Daily Mail, stated that at the height of widespread destruction in London and Birmingham, the people stripped by looters. Meanwhile, the police seem helpless to stem the crime.

Another outstanding A photo showing a woman last night, unnamed, completely naked. The woman standing next to a police officer after his clothes had been stripped. Reports on Twitter that some people have been disarmed.

Tottenham Riot, Morning Latest Up Date

Morning finally arrive, The atmosphere at Tottenham Still Confused. Morning finally arrived in the area north of London, England, precisely at Tottenham. But the situation following the riots last night, not yet fully under control.

As reported by Sky News, Sunday (07/08/2011), firefighters are still working hard to complete the suppression of fire has burned some buildings because of the mass burned. Cars extinguisher with a long trunk hose trying to reach difficult spots.

While looting continues on a morning like this. It appears some people pushing a shopping cart containing the loot.

London is committed mass looting

Widespread Looting action in London. Aftermath of the riots in Tottenham, London is committed mass looting. Until well into the morning, looting has spread around Tottenham.

As reported by Sky News, Sunday (8/7/2011) residents involved looting was still pushing a shopping cart containing the booty. Looting continued spread of unrest at Tottenham about the location to retail stores around it and get to the Wood Green area.

Looted shops looked ravaged. Items that are not taken left scattered on the streets.

26 London Police Injured in Tottenham Riot

Possible Victim kills There Buttcrack in London. Unrest in the Tottenham area, the City of London, England has successfully handled by local police. Even so, otherwise the condition is relatively safe, but pointed out there are dead bodies inside a burning building.

As reported by The Telegraph, Sunday (07/08/2011), members of parliaments from the region Tottenham, David Lammy, warns the authorities to look for possible victims who died in the former building which burned after the riots last night.

London Riot

Riot occurred in Tottenham, north London, England. Crowds attacked police and looted shops. So far, no citizen of Indonesia in London are affected. "No," said Foreign Ministry spokesman Michael Tene in a short message to AFP on Sunday (08/07/2011).

Tene asked if there are Indonesians affected or even become a victim in a riot in Tottenham. As is known, eight police officers were hospitalized because of a mass attack. While the last condition in Tottenham, firefighters said the fire that burned the shops and buildings in the High Road is under control. Nevertheless, the atmosphere seemed in disarray.

10 Work Most Dangerous to Your Lungs

Nearly 23,000 workers suffering from diseases associated with lung in 2008, as estimated by the Department of Labor in the United States. Chronic, more than 16,000 people die from the disease each year, as quoted from the Health. But most types of lung disease from the workplace can be prevented, says Philip Harber, MD, Professor sekliagus Division Head Occupational and Environmental Medicine at UCLA. "The steps are simple but real control can reduce risk exposure and disease," he said. Here are 10 professions that may pose a risk to the health of your lungs.

Workers who inhale dust in the demolition or renovation of a high risk of lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis; disease that causes scarring and stiffness of the lungs. "We're concerned about workers who already work from 20 to 30 years ago," said Dr. Harber. That time is when many products containing asbestos is not banned. Wearing protective clothing, including respirators, when working around old buildings and avoiding smoking can help prevent serious diseases.

National Weather Service Issues Thunderstorm Alert Noaa Hurricane

NOAA's weather programs touch the lives of every American. Every day, decisions are made based on NOAA weather information. In the middle of the night on February 6, 2008, Alabama weatherman Dan Satterfield went on air to warn his viewers to take cover: a severe tornado was spinning through the Huntsville area. A tropical weather event could impact the St. Petersburg area as early as this weekend. The National Weather Service is advising citizens to monitor the tropical front.

All received early warnings, either first or secondhand, via weather radios. Still, Herb White, dissemination services manager with NOAA's National Weather Service (NWS), estimates that only one in every five or six American homes can survive. A severe thunderstorm watch is in effect for all Connecticut counties except for Litchfield, according to the National Weather Service.

Intention kill Obama

Difficult to measure the behavior of young people named Ulugbek Kodirov. Male citizens of Uzbekistan's entry into the United States (U.S.) in 2009. According to AP and AFP on Wednesday (07/27/2011), then Kodirov intend to be a student. But, unfortunately, none uiversitas in the U.S. that would accept him. As a result, figure of 21-year-old school. Moreover, the U.S. government revoked the visa students.

Once, Kodirov authorities arrested on July 13 last at a small inn in Leeds, Alabama. He recently bought a firearm from a federal undercover agent investigator. Well, the public through the mass media found out that the court of Birmingham, Alabama, indicted for plotting to kill President Kodirov Barack Obama.

Mosquitoes Carry West Nile Virus Appears in U.S.

District of Columbia Department of Health in the United States on Wednesday (27/07/2011), announced they have successfully identified the West Nile virus in mosquito samples in the region. This is the first case of West Nile virus were identified in this summer in the capital of the United States.

"Residents are asked to be careful because the mosquito has the potential to transmit West Nile virus to humans. And that is important for citizens to take the steps necessary anticipation to avoid contracting the virus," said U.S. Department of Health said in a statement.

China executed two former deputy mayor for corruption

China executed two former deputy mayor, on Tuesday (07/19/2011), for accepting a bribe in the amount of millions of dollars. Similarly, the country's official news agency, Xinhua. Both former officials, and Jiang Xu Maiyong Renjie, previously worked in the prosperous cities in the east coast of China which is rapidly growing.

Xinhua, quoting the Supreme People's Court, reported two men were executed on Tuesday morning. Xu, 52, is a former vice mayor of Hangzhou and sentenced to death last May. He reportedly accepted bribes worth 198 million yuan (about USD 261 billion) and of embezzlement and abuse of power. "Xu has used the power to intervene in contracts and projects to help companies and people to acquire land, promotion, and tax reductions," Xinhua said.

Evangelicals condemned Breivik

By reason it was also, Breivik perform the action without feeling guilty for killing many people. He even likens himself to the Christian martyrs in Europe in medieval times, such as the Knights Templar, in order to limit or eradicate the Muslim development in Europe in modern times.

Europe is also hit by the rise of a number of far right parties antiimigran, anti-Muslim. This also happened in the Netherlands. Empirically, Europe was never disappear from people like Breivik, and like Adolf Hitler, as the most extreme example. Breivik also very intensively involved in discussion forums via the forum virtual world of Neo-Nazis. Breivik are the new terrorists, and real-life examples of the rise of the far right. Worse yet, he said it had done for the sake of brutal action that he embraced Christianity. Breivik showed, terrorists could emerge from the adherents of any religion.

Nafissatou Diallo reveal detail story of rape attempt by Dominique Strauss-Kahn

Nafissatou Diallo the new york hotel maid who accused former IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn for rape attempt reveal detail story, he appear as "crazy man" and try to attack and rape her at the moment she entered his room. She said that Strauss-Kahn come out from the bathroom of his luxury suite on May 14 in naked and suddenly forced her to do oral sex. She want justice and put the "crazy man" in jail.

Previously, New York prosecutors raised doubts to her words after reveal Diallo changed her detail story about what happened after rape attempt assault. Diallo said that she wanted Strauss-Kahn to hold responsibility. "It never changed. I know what this man do to me, Because of him they call me a prostitute. I want him to go to jail. I want him to know there are some places you cannot use your power, you cannot use your money," said Diallo.

Mass murderer Norway also target Prince Charles and Blair

Mass murderer Norway, Anders Behring Brievik, called Prince Charles and the two former British prime minister, Gordon Brown and Tony Blair as a "traitor" who deserved to be killed. It was stated Breivik in a 1518 manifesto that the in-page email to his friends a few hours before he spewed bullets into the young campers on the island of the Norwegian Labour Party Utoya on Friday (22/07/2011).

Written in perfect English and wrote "London, 2011", the manifesto which gave the name "European Declaration of Independence" was mentioned several names of politicians, journalists and community leaders that Britain could become a "target".

Breivik write a manifesto for three years. The manifesto contains a guide for terrorists, autobiography, and his views about extremist politics. The head of state, political leaders, and the editors of newspapers digolongkannya in "category A traitor" who should get a "death sentence". The head of state who fall into the target is the German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Nicolas Sarkozy and EU President Jose Manuel Barroso.

Hearing trial for Breivik

Breivik has been named as a suspect in the case of bomb attacks in the area of ​​government offices in Oslo and Norway in the brutal shooting event at the Labour Party's youth camper Utoeya Island. Both incidents of violence that killed at least 93 people.

The judges in the deliberations said, the choice is based on closed hearings on the security situation. Moreover, according to the judge, court or tribunal published open directly would complicate the investigation. Earlier, the prosecutor's request that the hearing conducted in private. According to them, closed hearings would be able to freely extract much information from suspects.

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